Understanding and recognizing the difference between an offer letter and a contract letter is one of the most crucial ways for one’s career progression. Since the content of both are relatively similar, many people, especially the ones who are applying for their first job, mistake one for the other.
Below are the key pointers you should be aware of when it comes to contract employee job offer letters;
A contract employee job offer letter is similar to a normal offer letter. It starts by laying out the details of the job role and in-depth description. However, a contract employee job offer letter typically contains a time period and is used by employers when they are hiring the employee for a certain period of time. Contracts are usually used for the following cases;
Like job offer letters, contract letters are time-sensitive and usually require the answer in a week.
Dear [Candidate Name],
It is our great pleasure to offer you the contract role of [Job Title]. In this role, you will be working as a Contractor at [Company Name]. You will be required to work for our [Department Name].
In this position, you will be reporting directly to [Reporting Manager’s Name]
We hope you will display good performance in your job with precision and accuracy. Your working period will be from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Your salary during this period of time will be Rs. [Amount]- per month.
Please note that if you fail to accept this offer within 24 hours of receipt of the offer from us or fail to join us on the date stipulated hereinabove, [Company Name], reserves the right to revoke this offer.
We look forward to have you as part of the Townhall family.
The answer is usually no. The company sends either an offer letter or a contract letter depending on the type of work involved. While an offer letter represents the foundation of long-term employment, a contract employee offer letter indicates a limited-work relationship that does not comply with the offer letter format. For instance, you might be working for a company as per their standard working hours, but you won’t get the same benefits as their full-time employee such as healthcare benefits.
Understanding the difference between these two letters is a great way to manage your expectations and make the decision of whether or not you want to accept the job. You will be able to make an informed decision after weighing your choices and options.