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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Starting items #1
Starting items #2
Core items Mythic itemsBoots
Situational items
Standard BuildTwisted Fate Passive Ability
Show All
None Low Ok Strong IdealExtreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Do not attack him level 1 at all. You want to let him push the wave, so you can freeze it infront of your tower. After the freeze, you can harass him as much as you want and he can't do anything about it. The goal is to get zhonya's hourglass ASAP as it will counter his all-in.
He can shove harder than you with his W. You want to stun him whenever he expands his W to clear the wave. He is one of the few champions who can match your roams, so try shut him down early game with your jungler.
She has a super strong laning phase against champions with short range and no mobility. Start boots and 4 pots if you struggle against her normally. You can survive this matchup by "baiting" her Q and then walk up to shove the wave.
You won't really kill each other in the laning phase. Corki wants to buy his trinity force first, so this just becomes a farm lane. You have the better waveclear, so shove him in to establish lane dominance.
Start with cleanse and rush roa + merc treads. The only thing she can do is flash ult someone. When her flash is down, she can't make any "surprise" plays.
Do not push the lane early game. She can all-in you from lvl 2 and win the trades. If you freeze the lane infront of your tower, she can't kill you. If the katarina doesn't have cleanse, she should be a free kill if you ping your jungler to come.
Rush boots early so you can dodge his W+E+Q combo. If you get his by this, it will take half your hp with Electrocute. Rush zhonyas in this matchup.
Bait out his W(Rake) before you go for trades. Be careful of his level 3 burst, because it will kill you on the spot if he already poked you with w. Get a early seekers armguard to counter lethality he gets from items.
He has high cooldowns early game so you can shove him in with no problems. Just watch out for his lvl 6 if he has ignite, and base when you are low hp.
If you are experienced in this matchup you can start doran's ring, else you can start boots and you should have no problems dodging her skillshots. She is hard to kill in lane because of her range, so just focus on shoving her in and roam to sidelanes. Cleanse is highly recommended.
Start corrupting potion. You can abuse him early with auto attacks combined with the active from the potion. Later on he becomes too tanky for you to kill, so you should avoid any interaction with him. Just stay safe and look for good roams.
Your red card will oneshot all his voidlings. You have stronger waveclear and he can't do anything until lvl 6. In this matchup you want a early quicksilver sash so he can't set you up for ganks.
Yasuo loves this matchup. Early game you need to let him push the wave. You can try get a freeze infront of tower so you can farm safe. A good Yasuo will always win this matchup 1 v 1, so you need to stay safe and farm until your lvl 6. At level 6 you gank the other lanes and get your teammates ahead so they can carry.
Against a good leblanc, this matchup is autolose for us(in the laning phase). Stay as far back as you can, and farm safe with Q. She is so good at setting up ganks for junglers, so if you ever get hit by her chain, you are dead. Rush mercs, and from level 6 you want to get your other laners ahead so they can carry you.
Avoid fighting her when she has her passive stacked. Also keep an eye on her E. If you get hit by that, you're going to get chunked really hard with her follow-up damage.
She's free pre 6 as she can't do anything. Diana players almost never take cleanse so you can call your jungler early on for a easy gank because she will most likely push the lane with her W. After 6 you should be careful and not stay within range of her Q ever. Getting boots early can help you dodge her abilities while kiting back and forth. You mainly want to shove her and then roam because you can't fight a diana after 6 unless she messes up.
Be aware when he's out of vision as he will most likely look to land a stun on you. When he engages, sidestep immediately so you can dodge his Q. If you dodge that, you can win every trade.
Strong early game jungler with burst and hard CC. She needs someone who can set her up, and tf can do just that with his gold card so she can land a guaranteed cocoon.
Gold card allows her to hit guaranteed Q(spears) in fights. Nida win most fights early on as long as she can reliably hit her Q's.
Powerful engage with CC that works great with your ultimate so you can cut off enemies escape routes.
Eve has insane burst but her E takes a while before it's fully charged to charm an opponent. TF gold cards gives her all the time she needs to finish the deal.
Can assist you very well with her strong engage and lockdown ultimate. She's perfect to have as a jungler or toplaner.
Thresh has great synergy as your gold card allows him to hit a guaranteed hook which will always result in a kill or burned summoners. Having someone with hard cc botlane is ideal when picking TF.
CC to follow up on your ultimate engages and gold cards.
Please don't ever pick this when you have a tf
Ideal Strong Ok Low NoneStrong early game jungler with burst and hard CC. She needs someone who can set her up, and tf can do just that with his gold card so she can land a guaranteed cocoon.
Gold card allows her to hit guaranteed Q(spears) in fights. Nida win most fights early on as long as she can reliably hit her Q's.
Powerful engage with CC that works great with your ultimate so you can cut off enemies escape routes.
Eve has insane burst but her E takes a while before it's fully charged to charm an opponent. TF gold cards gives her all the time she needs to finish the deal.
Can assist you very well with her strong engage and lockdown ultimate. She's perfect to have as a jungler or toplaner.
Thresh has great synergy as your gold card allows him to hit a guaranteed hook which will always result in a kill or burned summoners. Having someone with hard cc botlane is ideal when picking TF.
CC to follow up on your ultimate engages and gold cards.
Please don't ever pick this when you have a tf
Twisted Fate counters well
Twisted Fate gets countered
+ Strong waveclear
+ Great splitpusher
+ Forces the entire enemy team to play around him
+ Excellent roams with Destiny
+ Gold generation passive
+ Easy to CS
- Immobile
- Many bad matchups
- High skillcap
- Squishy
![]() | FLASH: Pretty self-explanatory. Always take this. |
![]() | HEAL: Decent rune if you're going to skirmish a lot with your jungler since it's stronger in 2v2 compared to ![]() |
![]() | Ignite: Ignite is without a doubt the best summoner spell on ![]() |
![]() | CLEANSE: Underrated spell. If you are playing against a heavy CC mid + jungler, then you want ![]() ![]() |
![]() | EXHAUST: This helps alot against champions that rely on burst damage to finish you off. Champions this can be good into, are something like ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | BARRIER: The more selfish summoner spell compared to ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Red card deals AOE(area of effect) damage. Use this in combination with Wild Cards to waveclear super fast. It's also good if the enemy champions are stacked on top of each other, as you will damage and slow all of them.
Yellow card stuns the target for up to 2 seconds at max rank. This is typically the one you use when ganking someone with Destiny . This also let's you reliably hit
Wild Cards on the target, because they will be stunned and unable dodge.
Grants True Sight on all enemy champions on the map for 6/8/10 seconds. While Destiny is active, Twisted Fate can teleport up to 5500 units away in 1.5 seconds.
![]() | Lich bane: This is probably the best item for ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Zhonya's Hourglass: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We max Wild Cards first as this is our poke and waveclearing ability,
Pick A Card second to increase the damage and CC duration,
Stacked Deck third because we are not playing on-hit
Twisted Fate . Put a point in
Destiny at level 6, 11 and 16.
With Twisted Fate it's really hard to get any solo kills, so you're better off just farming. Focus on last hitting and surviving the lane phase. You want to plan your recalls at level 5, so you can come back to lane healthy, and with items for a level 6 ultimate to one of the side lanes. Recalling at level 5 is something you should be attempting to do in every single game you play
Twisted Fate .
Remember: Twisted Fate is one of the few champs where you win lane just by going even in CS, because of his gold generation passive. Therefore you don't need to take risks in the laning phase.
Don't forget to actively use the Minion Dematerializer on the caster creeps. When you execute a creep with
Minion Dematerializer , it permanently increases your damage against that type of minion. This allows our waveclearing ability to come online much earlier, and avoid having minions survive with 5% hp after throwing
Wild Cards on them.
Goal for the early game: Focus on playing safe and get all the CS you can. If your opponent doesn't have Cleanse , call your jungler for some easy kills with gold card and
Ignite .
Before you teleport in : Spam ping your teammates to engage first. We do this, so your teammates can bait out any dash/jump/gap-closing abilities the opponents might have, before we port in. Now you click on Pick A Card and let it cycle between cards. (You can select the card you need WHILE in the teleporting animation.)
When teleporting: You should teleport close to the target, but in the direction they will flee. Why? Because if they use Flash after you port, you will still be in range to stun them with
Pick A Card .
If you don't find many opportunities to roam, you should still shove in the wave, and then you go out of vision . This is a high level strategy used by the best Twisted Fate players like Apdo. When you leave vision, it puts all the enemy laners under massive pressure, because of Twisted Fate s global presence. It is used to make the enemies back off, and give your teammates the freedom to farm in tough matchups.
Alternatively you can play way more agressive by porting into the backline, gold card their main carry, and pray your team follows up. When you go for these kind of plays, you need to make sure your team knows this in advance, so they can react in time. You can also set up the strategy to flank and kill them, and that's something that a lot of champions can't do except for Twisted Fate . Twisted Fate comes from decision making and playing him well.
Splitpushing is a strategy you can make us of when:
1. your team is underperforming in teamfights
2. you have a really strong splitpusher that can easily 1v1 anyone on the enemy team, and maybe even 1v2.
The idea is that you have 4 people in a lane, and then you send the most effective splitpusher to a sidelane, and let him push for objectives while distracting multiple enemies.
If the splitpusher is getting chased down by the whole enemy team, the remaining 4 are free to take major objectives like baron/dragon/towers and inhibitors.
If the 4 members are getting engaged by the whole enemy team, the splitpusher is free to destroy towers and maybe even a inhibitor.
Splitpushing with Twisted FateCan i splitpush as Twisted Fate ? Absolutely. But it has to be under the right circumstances(mentioned above).
Twisted Fate can easily secure you objectives if you play really well with your ultimate
Destiny . You are better off splitpushing first, because you want to separate the enemy team. If the enemy team is grouped and you're splitpushing while your 4 teammates are defending a tower, that means you're going to be getting an objective for free. If the enemies decide to come and fight you, you can just back off and use
Destiny to the other side of the map, and force a fight with your team, while their champions are trying to deal with your splitpush.
The goal of splitpushing with Twisted Fate is to force unfavorable teamfights for the enemy team. With TF you can splitpush and basically get baron control. You can also use your ultimate to get pick-offs once you see someone overextending. After you killed someone overextending, you can force
baron and bait their remaining players to create a favorable fight for you.
Twisted Fate has a high amount of responsibility for getting vision because you are the primary initiator in a sense with your gold cards. It's really important that you don't force bad skirmishes. You want to play the number game , where you are the one using ultimate to make it a 2v1, or even 3v2.
When you splitpush, you need to have your team pushing another lane . They can't be farming jungle or playing passive under a tower.
Another advantage of splitpushing is the fact that you will often get a massive EXP/CS lead compared to everyone else. Why? Because while the other players are grouped and sharing exp / farm, you get everything for yourself. It's not unusual for a splitpusher to be 2+ levels ahead of everyone else.
Splitpushing is very hard to pull off, because it depends on your teammates doing the right thing at the right time. However, if you do manage to pull it off, you will find yourself winning so many games, because the enemies often don't know how to deal with it. Splitpushing can be like a double-edged sword.
Master the minimap to master Twisted Fate : You need to have very good map awareness in order to be succesful on Twisted Fate . Something that can help improve your awareness, are the F-KEYS F1-F4 . By holding down one of the keys, you can see the game from a teammate's point of view. This gives you useful information about what's happening in their lane, so you can plan your roams in advance.
The power of vision: Even if you can't roam, shove in your lane and go into fog of war(out of vision). This forces the other enemy laners to back off due to fear from Destiny . It is used to let your teammates farm in tough matchups.
Wild Cards : When trying to snipe/poke someone with this ability, try to aim the outer cards at them. The middle card is easy to dodge, but the outer ones are really difficult due to their animation.
Pick A Card : Can be used to zone the enemy away from minions by walking up to them with w rotating.
When you want to bait out an ability that can be used to dodge your gold card, do one of the following:
Method X: 1. Click W once and let it cycle 2. While it's cycling, use a normal basic attack, to make them think you already selected a card 3. They waste their defensive ability, and you can now select gold card and stun them.
Method Y: 1. Click W once and let it cycle. 2. While it's cycling, you go in melee range and use Wild Cards . 3. This makes it seem like you are throwing the gold card at them, so when they waste their defensive ability, you can select gold card and go for the stun.
Stacked Deck : In the laning phase, you can often surprise the enemy with a quick combo. Auto attack the minions, and as soon as your enhanced auto is ready, you instalock a random
Pick A Card and throw it at them for a big chunk of damage.
Destiny : You can pretend you are ganking a lane by intentionally moving through one of the enemy wards, to make the enemy midlaner follow you. Then you turn on him with
Destiny and your jungler for a free kill.
This ability also reveals any stealthed units, so you can use it to catch someone like Shaco ,
Vayne and
Kha'Zix .
Do you find yourself dying to jungle ganks way too often? If so, we can solve that by improving 2 things:
- Warding
- Wave management
The first thing you want to do, when you get into a game, is look at enemy comp. What kind of mid and jungler are you up against? Aggressive or Farming ? Is the enemy midlaner good at setting up ganks? Based on the answer, you should adjust your playstyle to give you the best possible chance of success.
Example of Aggressive junglers: Graves ,
Elise ,
Nidalee ,
Kha'Zix ,
Lee Sin ,
Shaco ,
Twitch and
Zac . These junglers will often look to get a advantage early game by ganking vulnerable lanes over and over, or invade enemy jungler.
Shaco ,
Twitch and
Jarvan IV have strong level 2 ganks, so be careful and play passive when they are out of vision. For the lvl 2 cheese ganks, you want to put a ward close to the raptor camps when the red buff spawns.
The other junglers can go for lvl 3 ganks. For those you ward at opposite side of where they started at around 2.25. Freezing the wave can be a smart way of ensuring your safety.
Example of Farming junglers: Shyvana ,
Master Yi ,
Hecarim ,
Fiddlesticks ,
Amumu . The farming junglers prefer to farm and scale, because their ganks pre-6 aren't the best. You can play more aggressive when facing these types of junglers with proper vision. I know that
Hecarim and other farming junglers can gank early, but they are quite easy to avoid if you ward properly. Farming junglers can be punished very hard if they decide to gank early without it leading to a kill/assist, because your jungler can invade and steal jungle camps.
As soon as minions get into lane, your job is to figure out what side enemy jungler started. This is really important, because it lets you know where to ward. If one of the laners arrive late, you know they helped the jungler. At this point you know where the opposing jungler started. At around 2.20 you want to ward the opposing side of where their jungler started. Let's say they started at blue, at 2.20-30 you ward the red buff side and play around the side where you have vision.
If the enemy team did a Fake leash , you have to play safe until you know where the jungler is. There will be some games where you can't track the enemy jungler, and the only option here is to place some wards on 1 side, and play around that side until you spot their jungler!
Explanation of fake leash : It means that both top and botlane wait before going into their lanes. It prevents giving away info on which side the jungler started, so it's much harder to get invaded, or for laners to know when/where to ward against jungle ganks)
Here are some examples of where you can ward for vision control . The white and yellow spots, are excellent for Control Ward , as they tend to survive longer and gives good vision of invading/ganking jungler/supports.
The purple spots gives better river vision, but there is a high chance of them being spotted by enemy jungler or midlaner. It is a great spot for vision, but i advice placing it there IF you have lane control, so you can defend the ward.
If you use a Control Ward in the midlane brush, be sure to place it CLOSER TO YOUR SIDE , not in the middle of the brush, or closer to the enemy. This forces enemies to step closer towards your side, and put themselves at risk when attempting to kill the Control Ward
Freezing is a advanced technique that lets you deny your opponent exp and cs if done correctly. Freezing a lane means that you kite/tank the minions without letting your tower hit the creeps. You need to make sure the enemy minions always beat yours. After the enemy killed your entire wave, you let 2-3 of the enemy creeps live, and kite them until the next wave is here. When the next wave arrives, the wave will freeze right outside of your turret range.
By doing this, you are safe from jungle ganks, while your opponent takes a big risk everytime he overextends for a cs.
You can Freeze the wave when you and the enemy are even or ahead, and it can be used to help you win back the lane after you screwed up and died. You can attempt to freeze the wave already from level 1, leaving your opponent vulnerable to jungle ganks or be within your kill range, if you are able to kill them. When you get a lead, and you can solokill an overextended enemy laner, that is exactly when you want to freeze the wave. You force the enemy midlaner to either be in your kill range , or miss a ton of cs and exp, putting them further behind.
Freezing a wave is a great way to snowball a lead, if you have no objectives to fight for, such as dragon, herald or towers.
Here is a youtube video that explains wave management very well. I recommend watching the entire video. All credits for this video goes to Blitz Esports LoL