Fighting against child marriage in India | Satyarthi Foundation

Child Marriage is defined as a marriage of a girl or boy before the age of 18 and refers to both formal marriages and informal unions in which children under the age of 18 live with a partner as if married. Gender inequality, social norms, perceived low status of girls, poverty, lack of education, safety concerns about girl children and control over sexuality are considered to be reasons for prevalence of child marriages. Girl children in rural areas are more affected than their urban counterparts.

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Fighting against child marriage in India | Satyarthi Foundation

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  1. Child Marriage 1. What's Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation intervention in stopping child marriages in India? An innovative and transformative grassroots result to help child exploitation, the Bal Mitra Gram( BMG ™) model, which empowers children to take popular conduct to cover their rights, and enables parents and other stakeholders to stand up for the rights of children and make a defensive community, is working on the ground through its child leaders to report and help child marriages in some of the most high threat areas of the country. A BMG ™ therefore creates a safety net around children to promote education and help child marriage, child trafficking, child labour and child sexual abuse. 2. What is child marriage? Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or informal union between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child. 3. What are the causes and goods of child marriage? Child marriage is frequently the result of settled gender inequality, making girls disproportionately affected by the practice. Child marriage is also the result of the interplay of profitable and social forces. Poverty, instability, social morals, low value accorded to girls, lack of access to education and patriarchal systems are some of the main causes of child marriage.
  2. Child marriage violates children’s rights and places them at high threat of violence, exploitation, and abuse. India has the largest number of child misters in the world – one- third of the global aggregate. Child marriage also negatively affects the Indian frugality and leads to an intergenerational cycle of poverty. Girls and boys married as children more likely lack the chops, knowledge and job prospects demanded to lift their families out of poverty and contribute to their country’s social and profitable growth. Child misters are more likely to come pregnant before they physically develop to bear children, adding pitfalls of both motherly and invigorated deaths and morbidity. Children who are married off are also vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections( STIs), including HIV. 4. What's the difference between child marriage and forced marriage? Child marriage is any marriage where at least one of the parties is under 18 times of age. Forced marriage is a marriage in which one and/ or both parties haven't tête-à-tête expressed their full and free concurrence to the union. A child marriage is considered to be a form of forced marriage, given that one and/ or both parties haven't expressed full, free and informed concurrence. Child Forced Marriage threatens the lives and futures of girls and women around the world, stealing them of their right to make opinions about their lives, dismembering their education, making them more vulnerable to violence, demarcation and abuse and precluding their full participation in profitable, political and social aspects and encouraging early gravidity. 5. How numerous child marriages do in India? India is home to the largest number of child misters in the world, counting for one- third of child marriages encyclopedically. Nearly 1 in 4 girls were married by the age of 18 times in India( 27 per cent), counting for at least1.5 million girls each time, according to the fourth National Family Health Survey( NFHS- 4) in 2015- 16. 6. Which are the most affected countries in India where child marriage happens? Over half of Indian child misters live in six countries Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Uttar Pradesh is home to the largest population of child misters adding up to 36 million. 7. How is child marriage linked with child sexual abuse, child trafficking and child labour?
  3. Early gestation is one of the most dangerous consequences of this dangerous practice. Girls married beforehand are more likely to witness violence, abuse and forced sexual relations due to unstable power relations. Across the world, girls as youthful as 12 are being forced or tricked into marrying men who exploit them for coitus, child domestic labour, which can also be considered as an “ under- reported ”, global form of mortal trafficking. 8. What are the laws against child marriage in India? The former law named Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, had vittles only for restraining the solemnization, not for forestallment or prohibition of child marriages. The present law – Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, has a tripartite purpose i.e. forestallment of child marriages, protection of children involved and execution of malefactors. This law has declared child marriage to be a cognizable andnon-bailable offence. An instruction can be issued by the court to enjoin its solemnization and if a marriage is praised after the instruction, also such a marriage shall be declared as null and void. This law also prescribes discipline for performing, conducting and abetting child marriage. Indeed the parents are to be penalized for promoting or permitting child marriage. 9. What can I do to stop child marriage? a) Call 18001027222 to report child marriage or help for child victims b) contribute to our program for forestallment of child marriages and protection of children c) Raise your voice against child marriage d) Spread mindfulness on child marriage e) Follow us on social media and help spread our communication. Source:

Child Marriage

Child Marriage

Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys- MICS3 Analysis and Report Writing Workshop Panama City, July 12-20, 2006 Child Marriage Indicators Marriage before age 15 and age 18 Young women aged 15-19 years currently married or in union Spousal age difference Polygyny Goals

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