Florida law requires an employer with ten or more employees in any calendar quarter, or "person" who "prepared and reported" on behalf of 100 or more employers during the preceding state fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), to file the Employers Quarterly Report (RT-6) and remit the tax due "electronically".
The department will assess a penalty of the greater of $50 or 10 percent of any tax due (minimum of $300 per report) on any filed report that is erroneous, incomplete, or insufficient.
The department will assess a penalty of the greater of $50 or 10 percent of any tax due (minimum of $300 per report) on any filed report that is erroneous, incomplete, or insufficient.
A report will be considered erroneous, incomplete, or insufficient if it is lacking in information, or arrangement that the report cannot be readily understood, verified, or reviewed. Such reports include, but are not limited to, reports:
- having missing wage or employee information
- having missing or incorrect social security numbers
- having illegible entries
- submitted in a format that is not approved by the department
- showing gross wages that do not equal the total gross wages reported for all employees
- missing pages with essential information
The department will assess an employer a penalty of $50 plus $1 for each employee when an employer who is required by law to file electronically files the report by a means that is not approved by the department. An agent who prepared and reported for 100 or more employers in any quarter during the preceding state fiscal year will be assessed the same $50 plus $1 per employee penalty for each Employer's Quarterly Report filed in the current calendar year by electronic means not approved by the department.
The department will assess an employer who is required by law to remit their tax payment electronically a penalty of $50 for failure to remit contributions or reimbursements by approved electronic means as required by law.
These penalties are in addition to any other applicable penalties.
The module containing the Florida Form RT-6, Florida Quarterly Reemployment Compensation and Wage Report must be completed if filing on paper or electronically. The data saved in this module is also used to create the electronic file. This form can only be used if the employer has FL set as the PAYROLL STATE. The printed form is a scannable black copy. Submit only the original. Do not submit photocopies. Do not submit a paper copy if filing electronically. Note that the forms produced are software approved versions and are different from the state printed forms.
Data may be imported from the 941 Payroll Data previously entered. Select IMPORT/UTILITIES from the menu to import the desired quarter. The user must complete the portions of the forms that were not filled in by the import routine.
All employees must be listed on the wage report page of Form RT-6A. Click NEXT and PREV to navigate among continuation pages. If a new page is created, it will print and be counted in the page count even if blank. Pages may be deleted from the IMPORT/UTILITIES menu.
Note: Employees with Florida wages paid in the quarter that also have out-of-state taxable wages paid year-to-date must be reported on Form RT-6NF instead of Form RT-6A. This out-of-state wage report operates in a similar manner to the RT-6A. Click NEXT and PREV to navigate among continuation pages. If a new page is created, it will print and be counted in the page count even if blank. Pages may be deleted from the IMPORT/UTILITIES menu. The total Florida gross wages and total Florida taxable wages are included on the Form RT-6 tax report.
There are two electronic filing options.
1. Online filing via the Florida DOR website for a single employer. When filing online, a formatted flat file may be imported containing the tax and wage information for the employer. This Form RT-6 module can create the properly formatted file by following these steps:
A. Complete and save Form RT-6 in CFS Payroll System.
B. From the Utilities menu in Form RT-6 click the Create Import File for e-Services option. The file path and name will be copied to the Windows clipboard.
C. Log in to the Florida DOR e-Services website (employer or agent as appropriate) by clicking the appropriate menu item. Begin filing for the desired employer and upload the file created in Step B. If the file was created in Step B immediately before logging in, then the user can paste the file path and name from the Windows Clipboard into the browse window when uploading the file by pressing CTLR+V.
D. Complete any other necessary information for the filing online, such as payment information, and file the return.
Note: To aid users in logging into the e-Services website they may enter the log-in information into the Store e-Services Log-in Info screen for the Employer or Agent. When the Log-in to e-Services menu option is clicked, the program will launch the system's default browser, wait a few seconds, and attempt to type the log-in information into the e-Services website. If log-in fails because the website loaded too slowly then the user can increase the number of seconds used as a delay on the log-in info storage screen. If log-in continues to fail, then CFS recommends that the log-in information be entered manually.
See Online Filing Support for a description that is not state specific, but more detailed.
2. Bulk filing for multiple employers via FTP file upload to BSWA. See the instructions for Electronically Filing Form RT-6.